A short, animated sequence created for a 12-week introductory, Flash animation course through Pittsburgh Filmmakers, with most excellent instructor Brian Staszel. For some reason I’d became attached to this brilliant, but rather violent and bleak 1971 film and proceeded to spend about 40hrs producing this piece which involved printing out stills from the film, which I then loosely rotoscoped with Speedball pen and ink onto onionskin paper. Scans were made of these drawings, then adjustments made in Photoshop, then converted to vector graphics in Illustrator and exported as .swf files which were then imported into Flash. The Flash .mpg conversion is less than optimal and dropped out some frames not to mention Blogger dithered the shit out of the vector graphics.
I changed the theme about three times, from an instrumental Serge Gainsbourg piece to, some NIN off Ghosts and finally the lovely bit you hear from Kammerflimmer Kollektief’s amazing 2005 album Absencen, which I highly recommend and everything else from this amazing German group of musicians and give great heaps of props to in using their music.
I changed the theme about three times, from an instrumental Serge Gainsbourg piece to, some NIN off Ghosts and finally the lovely bit you hear from Kammerflimmer Kollektief’s amazing 2005 album Absencen, which I highly recommend and everything else from this amazing German group of musicians and give great heaps of props to in using their music.
Great job Stewart!
That rocks. I love it.
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