

About two weeks ago C. Kleid and I took ten days and drove down through West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky to visit a few old haunts and have some new experiences. Some highlights include (but not necessarily featured in this short film) were: Shopping in the biggest antique store ever in Bristol ; West Virginia, Asheville, North Carolina; The Great Smokey Mountains; The Elegant Stinkhorn; some big thing walking nearby in the underbrush while hiking; cemeteries in the forest; The Nashville JCC; Hatch Show Print, Bowling Green, Kentucky (which I was inspired to visit by a Neko Case song); Mammoth Caves; The sealed Sand Cave entrance and finally visiting in person the site of the tragic story of Floyd Collins that has haunted me since childhood; Lexington Kentucky and a rack of ribs; some old remnants of a Union fort; Swimming in Cave Run Lake; a late afternoon drive through the Daniel Boone National Forest to Visit Miguel's Pizza and being enchanted by what looked like the last real countryside left; the real America, and all the charming, incredibly warm and friendly people we met who helped make our trip fantastic.

C. Kleid’s sketchbook can be viewed here.



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